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Yes! This App is compatible with desktops, tablets & mobiles.

Yes that is correct.
The entire process from prescribing to fitting is one continuous process. However each User has their own specific requirements. Therefore to best service each User we have created two separate Apps to allow you to be best served.
The OrthoticRx App is for Prescribers.
The 'Prescriber' is the User who actually prescribes a device for their patients.
The OrthoticRx Pro App is for Commercial or In-House Laboratory.
The 'Commercial or In-house Laboratory' is the User who actually manufacture the orthotic device(s).

App OrthoticRx: orthoticrx.com/signup.php

App OrthoticRx Pro: orthoticrx.com/signup_lab.php

Orthoticrx has the following unique features;
  1. Custom build your own prescription using comprehensive device specifications
  2. Select preset orthotic design
  3. 3D Scanning directly into App and attach to prescription (feature requires iPad or iPhone fitted with Structure Sensor 3D Scanner)
  4. Take photo directly in the App
  5. Upload any image or video from camera roll
  6. Upload any file type from desktop version including previously scanned data
  7. Edit preinstalled diagrams
  8. Sign up feature providing your own account
  9. Password reset with SMS or email
The OrthoticRx App will automatically notify Users of each stage from the initial submission of the prescription through to shipping of the completed device and final fitting of the device. This is in the form of a notification to the Users registered email.
Prescription information on OrthoticRx can be easily shared directly from within the App.
Don't worry you haven't lost your information or account. Use the 'Forgotten Username / Password' feature - we have engineered this option to allow you to reset your account details either through email or sms.
Please e-mail us and one of our Consultants will get in touch with you.
Please e-mail or contact the Laboratory you submitted the prescription to via the App or directly through their contact information.
Users will receive an email the OrthoticRx App at the time they submit their prescription and each stage of the manufacturing process from receipt to the time of dispatch. You can also review the status directly within your App as the Prescriptions are colour coded in the stage of the process. Further manufacture or status information can be directed to the Laboratory through the App or directly.
We recommend you close the App and try launching it again. You may need to re-enter your password to re-activate the Touch ID feature. Touch ID is ONLY available on Apple Devices featuring fingerprint and Touch ID technology.

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